Animal Interactive: Documentation and Reflection

Reflection: Animal Interactive

The creative process for making the Sea Lion Rescue instillation was an adventure in itself to say the least. All three of us designers expected it to be easy, coming up with multiple ideas that we thought could work. These included an anaconda like game of collecting a sea lion family, an instructional game where you swim around form a sea lions perspective, and the endless scroller that we decided on. We all split up from there in order to work on our individual pieces. I had been assigned to make the backgrounds, the arrows used to direct the seal and I was in charge of sound design. Something we hadn’t done, that we probably should have, was contact our programmer early on in the project to keep communication with him through out. We hadn’t actually contacted him until half way through the project. While some of the backgrounds were not actually used in the end product, a majority were kept in as well as the arrows. The sounds that were made ended up being in the game, but were not very compatible with it and turned out rather distorted. Most of the children that beta tested the game considered the graphics enjoyable, but found it uninformative and too short. After the test, our programmer extended the game, and actually had an end instead of simply going out into nothingness. We also incorporated the arrows at this point, since they had not been inducted until then. During the instillation, there were not many overly negative or positive responses to the game itself, due to the slowness that occurred both days. However, the feedback we did receive was rather encouraging for how we did, even if it was a rocky start.

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